Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Toastmasters - Never Shy to Embrace Dreams

While we worry and be concerned about the global financial slowdown, the news of job cuts and the current rainy season, remember that many people in this world are worse off than we’ll ever be.

But unless we take a moment to see things in perspective, we will be doing ourselves, and those around us, an enormous wrong - namely, to develop a distorted view of reality.

Whenever life throws you a curve ball, just remember all those times when it went easy on you, too.
Without the curves, you wouldn’t appreciate the pitches that enabled you to hit one out of the park.
Without the rain, we might not know to pack our bags hurriedly and head for the beach on a sunny day.
Without sickness, what would good health really mean to us?

The bad things in life really do help us to appreciate better of the good things. So we should not merely count our blessings.

We should be thankful for the falls we’ve experienced on life’s dance floor.
Without them, we could never have learned how to dance.
And in those most difficult of times when the dance music actually stops and the silence is out of your control, brace yourself and hold on to the floor.
Life’s band members are just taking a break to see if you are truly appreciative of their music. Just stay out there on the dance floor for the next song.

A toastmaster, never shy to embrace Dream, tells us that just holding on is a virtue. That next song will be played for you. It will come. Continue your Journey, participate and practice your presentation skills in your coming club meeting, achieve that dreams of completing your Competent Communicator, Advanced Communicator and beyond.
You have an another half of the term as we usher into the New Year 2009!

May the dreams of your past be the reality of your future.
I take this opportunity wishing you and all at home and loved ones,
a v
ery Blessed and Wonderful Christmas and a Great New Year 2009.

D51 LGET 2008/2009

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